"Go then, there are other worlds than these."- The GunslingerThere is a lot of things I can say about Jeff. I consider him a true Renaissance Man - "a person with many talents or areas of knowledge". Surrounding myself with people smarter than me has been a successful career strategy and and hanging with Jeff certainly fills the bill.
Here are only 5 of the many reasons I will miss my friend and colleague Jeff Sauer:
- Meat - Especially pork, the other white meat. Jeff really knows his way around a BBQ smoker and his annual Porkapalooza is the meat highlight of the year.
- Advice - all kinds of advice on business, technology, digital marketing, world travel, food, and cooking. Really! He has many web properties in which he dispenses this valuable advice.
- Travel tales - it might be about Oktoberfest in Munich, a honeymoon in Mauritius or aerial photography from his personal drone over South Africa. It's always a good tale.
- Sense of humor - Jeff's sense of humor rings out with every blog post or online article he writes. His repartee in person is something to behold, especially at MnSearch board meetings when he has a foil by the name of Aaron Weiche to counter.
- His "Try Anything and Everything" philosophy on approaching life and the value he puts on people as individuals I will especially miss.
All-in-all Jeff simply makes everything suck less. Therefore I bestow MakeItSuckLess.com to Jeff's website - at least for now. This way I create my own personal avenue to share life with Jeff online even if I can't see him IRL when I'd like to. Long days and pleasant nights to you my friend.
"Any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still know where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with." ~Douglas Adams
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