Nuk was ordained a Buddhist Monk

Nuk was ordained on Sunday November 23, 2008 at about 9am at Wat Phrasriratanamahadhatu, a Theravada Buddhist temple in Chicago. This was an extremely important event to Nuk and his family. I sponsored Nuk, but many people contributed to the ordination.

Follow this link to see additional ordination photos

My younger brother Chris and I attended as well as a few of Nuk's friends. A few local Thai temple visitors also attended.

Five monks participated in the ceremony which was was overseen by the Abbot, Ven. Ratana Thontkrajai (an amazing man).
Chris and I arrived at the Temple at 7:30 am. Nuk, who had spent the night at the temple, was already shorn, Thai-style (head and eyebrows), when we got there.Right before he became a monk Nuk was helping the lay temple assistants with the meal. One of these assistants was a woman. He worked closely with her to serve food and move tables in the dining hall. After the ceremony none of the women came too close to Nuk. Monks are not allowed to come into contact with women.

Nuk called his parents right before the ceremony so that their thoughts could be with Nuk during this important cultural rite of passage.

Offerings were made in the names of all who contributed. Everyone that attended the ordination touched the hem of Nuk's new monk robes as he made the offering to receive merit.

His new monk name is Api Panyo which roughly means "scholar".

Here is some more information on the ceremony and what the typical daily routine is for a Thai monk.


  1. Thanks for sharing this with us Ward. It's amazing seeing Nuk as a monk.

  2. What an amazing feat. Congratulations to Nuk!

    - Meredith

  3. Buddhist Monk Notebook has an interesting story about a buddhist monk and information for anyone aspiring to monkhood.
