Top Travel Twitter Tips

"Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service, that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length." - Wikipedia
I highly recommend using Twitter (tweeting) with Twinkle while traveling. Tips from followers and local information from nearby Twitterers prove very valuable.

Twinkle is a Twitter app for iPhone that uses the iPhone's geolocation function. You can also upload photos to reference in your tweets. This useful iPhone app was created by Tapulous.

Here are my top tips for using Twitter when you travel:
  1. Don't tweet while you are driving - Tweet only when you are a passenger or are safely stopped.
  2. Tweet when you are hungry - Locals may chime in with a great place to stop and eat.
  3. Tweet the local traffic conditions (when you are in a traffic jam) - Fellow Twinklers may suggest alternate routes.
  4. Tweet the weather conditions - Online weather maps are useful, but an evaluation by locals or fellow travelers may be a lifesaver.
  5. Tweet your ETA - Let folks at ome know you are safe.
  6. Tweet when you are bored - Tweetdom may suggest interesting nearby points of interest.
  7. Tweet a photo when you see something unusual - Comments on your photo can be useful feedback for your return trip.
  8. Tweet local fuel prices - Fuel prices can vary surprisingly on a day trip. Gas prices on the way to Chicago ranged from $1.59 to nearly $2.00. Know when to fill up.

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